Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Foto Ekslusif Bangkai Paus Seberat 20 Ton Terdampar di Pantai Redcar, Inggris

Foto Ekslusif Bangkai Paus Seberat 20 Ton Terdampar di Pantai Redcar, Inggris
Hewan laut terbesar di lautan itu mati dengan begitu kesepian. Raksasa yang lembut ini terdampar di sebuah pantai Inggris. Ia berbaring di pasir yang panas, di bawah awan yang cerah, keperksaannya tidak tidak dapat dipungkiri.
Ia seberat 20 ton. Petugas pemadam kebakaran tetap menjaganya agar tetap basah. Dan ratusan orang turun ke pantai untuk menonton bangkai paus ini.
The 20-ton leviathan could not be rescued or dragged back towards the sea. rescuers said any attempt to refloat it would have been cruel
An incongruous sight for a beach in the north-east. on the skyline a container ship and on the beach a crowd gawping at a stricken whale
Cameras at the ready familes walk around the magnificent creature which rescuers believe beached after becoming lost in the north sea
It is only when you get up close that the full majesty of the whale becomes apparent
Its body glistening in the morning sun beneath a clear blue sky the whale dehydrated because there is no food supply for it in the north sea
Initially firemen thought they could help the whale by dousing it with water but to no avail


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